Poem: A Simple Grain of Sand

Poem: A Simple Grain of Sand

With determined chin I fix my gaze & march forward to meet this day.

My site is set, the magnitude, the entire grasp of which has freed my mind.

So climb until you reach the pinnacle of this place.

Stand and bare your chest, arms outstretched to the rising sun.

Speak in tongues,

of times to come, of things you’ve seen, of deeds undone.

Let’s take this moment, it’s potential captured in a grain of sand, upon the pinnacle where I stand.

Throw this out for the world to catch with grabbing hand.

Will we match the magnificence of who we are ?

Will we will recognize the true magnitude of the good?

We are not captives in this universal world of stars and planets, of meteorites and cosmic dark holes.

We are its creators emergent from this shining dust.

We have transmutated from that hot cosmic flash and towards its source we will return in the course of living time.

To find the source, to find the seed, to find the meaning this life gives to me.

Yet we are many and with this more, we should, we could unite, with one gaze with one vivid insight .

Transform or even create a future good and fair and strong.

A place for joy and love and care, eradicate the wrong.

Upon the pinnacle you stand alone, in rays of light You meet your future home.

Arms outstretched to left to right, touching the lives of those who reach forward into this day.

The time is right, let the vision of the future call to all.


Liam August. 2018

2 thoughts on “Poem: A Simple Grain of Sand

  1. fauxcroft says:

    Eloquent and fascinating, I really enjoyed this.


  2. Thanks, I appreciate your participation & your comments very much. Liam


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